Redefine Beauty Co

Redefine Beauty Co

We believe that, "The Creator of Beauty Created You," and our mission is to Redefine the definition of Beauty that culture has tried to prescribe, and instead define it based on God's original design.

What is your business and the mission of your brand?

“Redefine Beauty Co. is a clothing brand and specially curated boutique that is on a mission. We believe that, “The Creator of Beauty Created You.” Our mission is to Redefine the definition of Beauty that culture has tried to prescribe, and instead define it based on God’s original design.

We are committed to accomplishing this by:

- Creating custom products that are encouraging, and point others to God and His Word

- Engaging our communities in challenging conversations about identity, and internal/external beauty

- By offering specialty curated collections to enhance the beauty in your life

What made you want to start this business? What’s YOUR story?!

Hi! My name is Brielle! Redefine Beauty Co. was born from a deep place within where I struggled with my life’s journey, experiences, internal, and external beauty. God took me on a journey of discovering who He really is, and what He says about who I am - who each of us it. Redefine Beauty began as a blog. In this blog I took readers on a journey of discovery to Redefine their preconceived thoughts about beauty and identity. The boutique portion came along a few years later and Redefine Beauty Co. was born! Taking my love and passion for fashion, and marrying it with my passion for truth.

What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

One piece of advice that has propelled me in my business has been the idea of sowing seeds. It’s not necessarily my job to always water the seed, plant the seed, tend to the seed, or harvest the seeds - each person is different and in a different place in their journey. I am encouraged to be faithful in doing the next right thing in an effort to keep sowing seeds of love and kindness in this world.

What is something you wished you had known when you first started?

When I started RBCO. I wish I would’ve known how much it would require of me. It has been like growing and raising a child! It requires an enormous amount of energy and stamina. This isn’t to say it’s all hard or bad, it is also beautiful!

Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times?

“The Creator of Beauty Created You.” This quote is the backbone to who we are, and is based off of the verse Genesis 1:27. When I think of this quote I’m reminded of how lost and bruised I used to be. It propels me to keep going, and to keep reaching more people, with the hope of encouraging them, and pointing them to Jesus.

How do you incorporate your faith into your business?

For me faith and business are inseparable. God radically redeemed my life and rescued me from abuse, brokenness, low self esteem, and unhealthy mindsets. I want my life to burn brightly for Christ so that others don’t see me… but they see Him. He deserves all of my recognition, honor, and praise. I’m happy to promote HIM in my business.

Do your part in Redefining Beauty and purchase from them here!