

Something that tends to happen a lot in my family and in my life is to bring our work home with us, hence the title of this blog. There are so many times when we’re all out to eat as a family and we are talking about all our stresses at or workplace or checking our work email at 7p.m, and that creates an unhealthy balance. Think about it, we spend over 8 hours a day at work, then have maybe 5 hours left to spend in our personal life. I don’t know about you but sometimes it gets frustrating. Even when the “overlap” doesn’t necessary “bother” you, it’s good to reminder yourself that it’s HEALTHY and more than okay to create boundaries between work and your personal life.

As a new blogger most of my content creation happens after 5, in my room. Yes, this is a huge passion project for me, and I absolutely love writing but I still make myself create boundaries for this. Keep scrolling for some life hacks on how to create a productive, less stressful personal life, aside from work.


Here’s some things that I have implemented in my life to keep me winning in life:

1.       Create a game plan.

It keeps you organized and accountable. If you’re a natural planner and thrive off checklists like I do, this will be easy for you. If you’re not naturally disciplined in this way, a game plan will help you manage how and where you’re spending your time so you can be more efficient.

How I create a game plan? This varies depending on my goals and deadlines. Sometimes I will plan for the month and say, “This day of the week I will do this.” Or I will create a list of things I need to do after work each evening for a week. This method has been really successful for me recently!

2.       Be specific.

The more specific and disciplined you plan, the more successful you will be. I plan a lot on my checklist down to the hour. I only let myself write for maybe an hour or 2, then I will work on the next task.

3.       Be kind to yourself.

It’s okay to not be constantly busy, take a weeknight off. Choose one small life activity (like going to the gym for an hour) then take the rest of the night off to relax and spend time with friends or family.

4.       Celebrate your work.

This goes along with number 3 but I just want to reiterate it again. You work so hard, you are so busy, and you’re doing an amazing job. Take a second to look at all that content you’ve created, all you’ve accomplished this week, or whatever it may be. Stop and notice your hard work, it gives you motivation!

Do you struggle with compartmentalizing your “Home-work” life? How do separate the two, especially if you actually work from home? Let me know in the comments below!