Don't Be Scared to Start.

Zachariah Hershberger - Keller Willams Realty

1. What’s your business and the mission of your brand? 

I am in the business of people, more specifically, helping others navigate the challenges of the home buying and selling process. My mission is to provide clients with a top tier level of expertise and service making the Real Estate Transaction as smooth as possible.

2. What made you want to start this business or join this industry?

What attracted me to the world of Real Estate was my passion for working with and helping people. If you look at the successful agents, you will find the common denominator is their ability to foster relationships with others, growing their business. My goal is to influence others, and building a business in Real Estate will give me a platform to influence others.

3. What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

Once piece of advice that has propelled myself and my business is surrounding yourself with people whom you strive to be like one day. You become who you hang around, and when you venture to the working world, that principle does not change. I have been fortunate to be a partner in business with a veteran agent who from day 1 has taught me the importance of self discipline and mastery. Being around him for the past 3 years has accelerated my personal and professional growth exponentially. In life, whether it is personally or professionally, create a trusted circle of mentors. Meet with them regularly, ask them questions, and most importantly, copy what they are doing.

4. What is something you wished you had known when you first started?

I wish I would have known the power of habit sooner. You never lose a bad habit, rather, you replace a bad habit with a good habit. You do not have to be great to start, you have to start to be great. I wish I would have not focused on the end goal, rather focus on establishing healthy habits from the start. Because, over time, those healthy habits will lead you to your eventual goal.

5. Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times?

2 Corinthian 12:10 “For the Sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong". When trials come upon us, it is our need to admit we are weak. For as Paul writes in the book of 2nd Corinthians, admitting we are weak is a sign of strength, because when we admit we are weak, we seek strength from a power outside of us. Which is Jesus Christ. 

6. How do you incorporate your faith into your business?

It is my goal for my clients and co-workers to be able to know through my actions I am not like that of the world. Hoping they are able to see the power of Christ inside of me. Quite simply, I will incorporate my faith in my business by being a good steward of my resources and, through my words and actions, showing others the love of Jesus Christ.