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Bente Weaver - Essentially Blessed Co.

  1. What's your business and the mission of your brand? 

Essentially Blessed Collective is my Young Living business where I help other families lessen their toxic load and learn how to easily fill their natural alternative toolbox with natural alternatives. I love to share the everyday moments and connect with other like minded women.

2. What made you want to start this business?

I am a 3w4 and love to have an outlet where I can create a business as well as being creative. I started this business right at the start of our 2020 pandemic and it has been so fun to grow a wonderful community during such a crazy time.  

3. What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

Find out how you can best serve your people. Focus on how you can help and add value to others. Always look for ways to expand your network whether that is opening up your home, taking a new fitness class or adding value to the community.

4. What is something you wished you had known when you first started?

Do it scared and do the dang thing. I know it sounds cliché, but I have seen the most growth when I stepped out of my comfort zone and just did the dang thing.