Give Your All, He gave you everything you need.

Joshua Williams - Cavid Studios

1. What’s your business and the mission of your brand?

My mission is to make entertaining, educational, and elevating content to inspire viewers. What inspires me to work so hard at my craft is the feeling of giving others a gift when they watch me work. I also hope to use my tools to build up other small businesses with video content as well.

2. What made you want to start this business?

Since I could remember I've always enjoyed drawing and finding ways to write and tell stories with my art, even when I didn't know how to read or write as a toddler. I got deep into 3D animation at the age of 8 and haven't stopped since. It felt like a major step up for me compared to building Legos and drawing. I was able to see my art come to life in this way. CAVID was my father's small animation company in the 1980s when animation was just breaking ground. CAVID stood for Computer Animation Video Design. He couldn't continue the business due to starting a family so young. When I discovered his history, I took it upon myself to continue the business he started. CAVID now stands for Creative Art & Visual Design. 

3. What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

Take risks. Have a genuine passion for what you do and remember the why.

4. Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times? *How do you incorporate your faith into your business?

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,” - Colossians‬ ‭3:23

  Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

I use this verse to encourage me when I work. I don't just write stories and work hard at my craft for my own pleasure, but I think about making something great for others who will watch it and who will be impacted by it. I also think about all those who took time out of their lives to be part of my work and help it evolve into what it becomes.