Fighting for Restoration.

Alicia - North Star Initiative

1. What’s your business and the mission of your brand?

North Star Initiative (NSI) is a 501(c)3 organization located in Lititz, Pennsylvania. NSI owns and operates The Harbor, a 24x7 restoration home and program for domestic sex-trafficking survivors. Our goal is for every survivor to leave The Harbor fully restored so she can return to the community and enjoy a life of sustained independence. Our mission is to support women who are survivors of domestic sex trafficking by providing physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual care through a Christ-centered focus. Our vision is to see women restored from sex trafficking, For Freedom. For Life. Forever.

2. What made you want to start this business?

North Star Initiative started as a “grass-roots” movement by Jen Sensenig. She noticed activity going on in a massage parlor on route 30 right here in Lancaster County. She watched the activity and noticed how young the girls were, called the police and ended up busting a huge trafficking ring. She realized that rescue doesn’t mean freedom and to fully heal from this kind of traumatic experience, there needs to be a place where survivors can stay and get the help they need. That is how the idea of North Star Initiative came to be.

3. What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

4. What is something you wished you had known when you first started?

Nothing. Had I known what I know now, I’m not sure I would have ever started. Direct care work is hard, it’s messy, and it’s oftentimes emotionally draining. But each day God prepares me for the day that is laid out before me. He doesn’t expect me to know everything or do everything perfectly, He just asks me to walk.

5. Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times?

Isaiah 58:12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; You will be called Repairer of broken walls; Restorer of streets and dwellings. Our mission verse explains what North Star is devoted to do: rebuilding/ raising up/ repairing and restoring the lives of those who have been destroyed by the devastating effects of trafficking. Restoring a victim isn’t just about restoring them from trafficking but TO something: A life filled with freedom and hope!

6. How do you incorporate your faith into your business?

Bible Studies are a huge part of daily life at The Harbor. We have partnered with pastors from different churches who come in and do bible studies with the ladies. We also have all survivors attend a local church every Sunday. We have an intercessory team that specifically prays for our team including staff, volunteers, and board members, and we hold yearly prayer walks on site to bless the property and dedicate it to God. Faith is part of everything that we do, we believe that God is part of the everyday, the minutia, so we make sure that survivors at The Harbor sees and knows Him in every small way possible, as well as the big ways!