6 Ways To Love Others Where You Are

Love Serves, 6 Ways To Love Others Where You Are.


1. Compliments give Confidence.

Ever see those “Emoji for a TBH” on Instagram? Yeah, I do too. Like all the time. 

January 24th, is National Compliment Day. I’m not sure if I did it on this exact day but I remember a while ago posting on my Instagram story “Emoji for a Compliment”. The Title of this post is “Love Others Where You are”. Y’all you can do this from your BED! The response was not only eye-opening but also such a great way to make connections! I challenge you this January (it will be here before we know it!) to post on your IG story “Emoji for a Compliment” and watch how it not only really, really encourages your community but grows your connections with your community! 

2. Coffee is a Hug in a Mug.

Story time numero 2. A few months ago I was having a busy morning, running late for work, and was hungry. I needed a good breakfast. So, naturally I hit up Chick-fil-a! When I got to the drive thru, I was informed the person in front of me paid for my entire breakfast! That MADE my day! When was the last time you did something without receiving recognition? A free Starbucks or Chick-fil-a for the person behind you in line, I promise, goes a long way! Try it sometime! ;)

3. The 10 Foot Rule | Connecting and Caring.

A personal development podcast I listen to during car rides is called the “She Podcast” and listening to a specific podcast something really good stood out to me called “The 10 Foot Rule”. The concept is, whether you are in a coffee station, the gym, or even the supermarket, if there is a person within 10 feet of you, at the very least acknowledge their presence. Say HI or even just smile! We are so digitally connected but how about reality? Do you ever make direct contact with the girl you admire (oof or maybe jealous of) at the gym? Maybe she could give you a few pointers? What about the girl that always seems to be studying by herself at the library? Say HI! Maybe you could befriend her! 

I feel like there are so many opportunities, connections, and friendships we miss out on because we don’t want to be “weird”. When did being kind go out of style and got labeled “weird”? 

Below are Mckenzie’s!

4. Take Some Time | Slow down and engage in conversation with someone around you

I remember truly seeing Jesus in my current Bible study leader when she just genuinely wanted to get to know me and my story. She slowed down and made time to get coffee with me and go on hikes, when I’m sure she was busy and probably had more fun things to be doing. I think there is such a beauty in taking the extra 15 seconds to ask your cubicle neighbor how her day is going or compliment a cashier. To take time to understand that “her” story may not look like your own and that is so okay. In fact, there is an immeasurable amount of beauty in that. Take the time to text and invite a friend (or classmate you’d like to get to know) to go study with you at a coffee shop. Take this time to slow down and see what she is facing and how you can support and love her through that.

“Be still and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10

Who in your life can you show love by slowing down to be still with them? How might they react when you show interest in knowing their story? Would this encourage them in their walk with Jesus or life in general?

5. Keep Coming Back | Invite someone to small groups or church

I think something that makes a difference is when as Christians, we keep coming back. Even when someone says “no” to coming to church with us or declines an invite to Young life. When we keep loving others and serving them, even when they aren't involved or plugged into a church is something special. As Jesus continuously pursues us, we have to care so dearly and want the best for those without Jesus. We have to consistently remind them that they are loved and have a place.

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” -Galatians 5:13

Who would be encouraged by your willingness and care for them when you keep showing up to invite and bring them in?

6. Practice Forgiveness + Prayer | Make a prayer card to help you pray for someone who has hurt you. 

When we pray for others, I think it is being full of grace and free of judgement. We need to ready ourselves to forgive those who hurt us as we’ve been freely forgiven by our Father. Praying is acknowledging God's power and seeing His desire for us to be apart of a beautiful transformation as lost souls find hope. 

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” -James 5:16

Where could praying for someone in your life bear fruit and how could it impact someone for the better? How would this further Gods kingdom?

I think obedience is huge in being who God wants us to be. Our hearts need to be postured to say “Yes” to Jesus in loving others in many ways. We hope you enjoyed this blog post! 

With you always, 

Mckenzie ♡ @Shiningforthelord & Mandee ♡ @Themandeekline

Darling piece in collaboration with: Mckenzie, from Shiningforthelord  & @Shingingforthelord on Instagram. Make sure to check out her amazing blog and FREE resources !