
What to do when you’re multi-passionate.

Hah! Spoiler Alert: I don’t have the answer. 


I know I’ve mentioned this before but I am an Enneagram 2 wing 3. That wing 3, “The Achiever” is super strong for me. As a three, I love constantly keeping busy with something, or achieving a goal that I have set for myself. I find joy in always having something next. An enneagram 3 is highly motivated, independent, and multi passionate. 

Fun Fact (a little embarrassing maybe): When I was 10 years old I was already an entrepreneur! I had my own duct tape business! Yep, that’s right. I sold duct tape wallets, flower pens, purses, bracelets, you name it I made it!  I loved it. I had my own business cards and my own little ledger that helped me keep track of the money I spent on the duct tape plus my sales! Now, before you bash my young entrepreneurial heart you will be interested to know I made over $300 in like 2 years. That was a big deal to my ten year old self! 

After my duct tape days I then started my own “Grab a Tab” ministry! I decorated pringle cans for The Ronald McDonald House and distributed them to family members, pizza shops, insurance businesses, and a few inns! All these businesses helped me collect tabs off of soup cans, soda cans, cat food, and more. In a year, I had distributed these cans all around where I lived and beyond. I had a monthly newsletter that I sent out to all my collectors and then took over 25 pounds of tabs to The Ronald McDonald House. 

After graduating high school, now I’m running my own blog, and social media business. 

I say all that not to brag at all, but to show you how I relate to others who are very self motivated and have that entrepreneurial heart like myself! 

What I wanted to be when I grew up changed a lot: from paleontologist (Ross Geller anyone?) to meteorologist (I loved science!), to paralegal and lawyer, to ice skater or professional dancer, to christian counselor. At one point  I considered becoming a Sign Language interpreter. Now, Digital Marketing and Performing (I think I’m staying put ;)). 

I love digital marketing, performing, horseback riding, painting, floral arranging, photography, fitness, and so much more. To say I’m multi passionate is literally the biggest understatement. 

So to my fellow multi passionate friends, this is for you. 

  1. Having a bunch of hobbies, talents, or skills doesn’t mean that you are directionless. It doesn’t mean you’re selfish, it means you can do a lot of things. There’s nothing wrong with that. God doesn’t put us in a box. Don’t let others put you in a box. Don’t put yourself in a box. 

  2. There’s so much I love to do but loving a bunch of stuff doesn’t make an income. Explore your hobbies deeper. Internships are amazing for figuring out “What you Want to Do” and see which one your heart gravitates towards the most. If you go to college, major in the one you love the most and minor in your plan B. Or don’t college, one size does not fit all. 

  3. Be patient. This is so hard for us multi passionate peeps, I know. Don’t rush into anything. Trying to figure out your life by 18 (or even 30!) is the biggest load of crap ever, like who thought that one up?  Keep pursuing what you love. 

  4. Tell others. Talk about what you love out loud. Pay attention to your verbal energy and how you sound when you talk about each thing. Ask those who know you well for their perspective. 

  5. Create a life you don’t need to take a vacation from.