Savor It.

Savor - to enjoy completely. (02042020)

My life isn’t perfect by any means, but what makes it complete is Jesus. Wow, He’s been so good & faithful.

I was trying to think of a word that summarizes how satisfied & at peace && whole I have felt lately, then the word “savor” came to mind.

This season of life I’ve felt so filled up. Complete & whole in Him. Realizing that the Gift Giver is so much better than the gifts but boy oh boy do I really like the blessings.

Work, college and new people. All different things teaching me good things. While my plate is full, so is my heart.

I’m impatient, and wondered “What am I doing wrong that I feel good? What more should I be doing?” but Jesus softly interrupts “This all feels really good, because it is good. Don’t rush through it, enjoy it. Time makes right things bigger & better but for now just BE STILL & SAVOR. Completely and fully enjoy. Don’t worry if it will come to an end or that it will change or leave. Just sit still sis.”

Ecclesiastes 3 🖤

What’s God been doing in your life?
