Papers everywhere. This is usually what it looks like when I’m trying to put together a portfolio. A big mess. Portfolios can be so complicated to put together, especially if you’re sending it in to a company that needs a lot of information. The largest portfolio I’ve submitted to, for a possibly audition has included: A resume, recent headshot, references, a cover letter, financial status, diploma, and a check. So how do you organize all this? It’s so much! My best advice for this is: DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! Seriously! Procrastination, busyness, Netflix is calling, you’re too tired, trust me I totally get that, but waiting until the last night to send it in is so unprofessional. Scrambling around to make sure you have all the requirements is a disaster waiting to happen. Scroll down for three tips for perfecting your portfolio.
1. Get it done in advance! Carve out an hour, every other day in your week until it’s complete!
2. Get it proofed. Have a peer look over it for any spelling or grammatical errors. A fresh set of eyes is always a great thing to implement after you’ve been staring at the same papers!
3. Make copies! Once you have your portfolio completed, have at least 3 copies of everything (3 headshots, resumes, all the things!) until you need to update it! Having copies eliminates stress and you never know when a random audition will pop up!
Does putting your portfolio together stress you out? What tips and tricks would you share with a new performer?